What’s it like to Move from a major city to a Rural Area?
Back in 2007, when I moved to the countryside after retirement, I didn’t feel like I gave up too much. I had a corporate job, and It made...
Opening the door on the rise of Airbnb in Australia
Australia’s uptake of short-term private accommodation rental is skyrocketing and the impact for owners, neighbours and hotels is...
Chinese-Australian woman speaks on racism amid coronavirus outbreak
A Chinese-Australian woman says she has been on the verge of a mental breakdown since the deadly coronavirus outbreak, falling victim to...
The multi-million-dollar 'dummy director' scam using vulnerable Australians to rip off the t
Sitting in the gloom of his housing commission apartment amid a smell of stale cigarettes and motor oil, you would not know Rod Jackson...
Google ordered to reveal author of Australian dentist's bad review
An Australian court has ordered Google to identify the person behind an anonymous bad review of a dentist. Dr Matthew Kabbabe, a...
Common Packing Mistakes to Avoid While Shifting to a New House
One of the common mistakes people do while moving to the new house is taking least interest in packing their valuable possessions. It is...
Indian Ocean Dipole linked to global warming in new research by Australian scientists
One of the big drivers of drought in Australia, the Indian Ocean Dipole, is trending towards a more drought-causing positive state due to...
Exploring ways to reduce Australia's reoffending rates
The recently released annual Justice Report on Australian Government Services reveals that while crime rates are decreasing, rates of...
Skilling South Australia rolls out two initiatives to combat ECEC workforce shortages
Skilling South Australia, an initiative of the South Australian Government, designed to increase apprenticeships and traineeships leading...
Syrian refugee children in Jordan draw pictures for Australian bushfire survivors
More than 12,000 kilometres from Australia, in a small town in Jordan, nine-year-old Syrian refugees Ayman and twin brother Anas Tahleh...